Mid-week Message
For those who missed the Blessing of the Backpacks this past Sunday, here are the prayers that we prayed for students, teachers and school staff. You may wish to pray them for yourself, your family, or someone you know.
Words of Blessing for Students: Gracious God, the time is come when school begins. As these your children begin their studies, bless their backpacks in which they carry the books and notebooks, and other supplies they will use to learn. We pray that you would be with them in their classrooms, on the playground, on the bus. As they navigate the heartaches, burdens, and joys of this year, remind them that they are loved by you and by their church. Remind them that they are sent to be your hands and feet at school. O God of wisdom, bless these backpacks and the students who carry them.
Words of Blessing for Educators and Staff: O God, bless all who will teach this academic year. Give them the creativity to find inspiration for each student. Grant wisdom to the school administrators and staff, that they may be faithful stewards of the resources entrusted to their care. Make them fair and merciful, able to do their crucial work with a spirit of grace and compassion. O God of wisdom, bless these backpacks and bags and the educators and staff who carry them.
Closing prayer: At the beginning of a new school year, O God of wisdom, we offer thanks and praise for the gift of new beginnings and for the opportunity to learn, to wonder, and to grow. Remind us to pray for students, educators, and staff. Remind us to encourage them, and to be for them models of your love and grace. As they carry the burden of their work in their backpacks and bags, we pray that you would carry it with them so that it would be your burden, which is easy and light. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Grace and peace,
Rev. Sarina