Mid-week message
Dear members and friends of Briarwood, In more normal days I have often wondered how I should sign off emails to friends and colleagues....
Closed during Pandemic
Briarwood's church building remains closed, as we comply with provincial regulations regarding self-distancing during the COVID-19...
Sunday Worship - Apr. 26
WORSHIP SERVICE Here is a link to this week's service, contained in one YouTube video which will go live at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday...
Message from our Interim Moderator
Dear members and friends of Briarwood, These difficult days of pandemic have revealed some difficult truths about our society. Over the...
April 19th Worship @Briarwood
Sunday, April 19th Meditation (Psalm 62:5-8): For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him. He alone is my rock and...
April 2020 Flyer
Here is Briarwood's April flyer.
This Week @Briarwood
Good Friday and Easter Sunday: There are no services or activities at Briarwood this week. We will email a Good Friday service (April...
This Week @ Briarwood
Palm Sunday, April 5th: There are no services or activities this week at Briarwood. Look for our Weekly Worship bulletin in your email.