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Mid-week Message


Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” - James 1:17

This Sunday there are two special things happening!

First, the Outreach Committee invites you to participate in a food drive this Sunday! I am preaching a sermon series on Loving God’s Good Creation: the call to love one another and all of Creation inspires us to help feed the hungry. You can leave the food in the shopping cart in the narthex and it will be taken to On Rock next week by Virginia! On Rock serves 280-300 families per week from all over the West Island. They need staples, like cereal, sugar, soup, all canned goods, and tuna in cans. The need is great and ongoing. Don’t forget to bring something to help those in need!

Second, back-to-school is here! We will have a blessing of the backpacks during the service this Sunday. Everyone who is a student at any level; everyone who teaches at any level; anyone who is a staff person in any educational institution: you are invited to bring your school or work bag to church for a blessing. We have backpack tags to pass out, which you can clip onto your bag and there will be a special prayer.

Come on out on Sunday to support On Rock and everyone going back to school!

Grace and peace,

Rev. Sarina


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