Mid-week Message
“When I called, you answered me—you made me bold and strong of heart.” - Psalm 138:3
One of the ways we can pray is with memorized prayers. Over the next few weeks I will share with you a few of the prayers I have memorized over the years. The prayer today is the Prayer of Courage from Padraig O Tuama’s Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community, pg. 5.
Courage comes from the heart and we are always welcomed by God the heart of all being.
We bear witness to our faith, knowing that we are called to live lives of courage, love and reconciliation in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of each day.
We bear witness, too, to our failures and our complicity in the fractures of our world.
May we be courageous today. May we learn today. May we love today. Amen.
May God bless the time you spend in prayer.
Grace and peace, Rev. Sarina