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Mid-week Message


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” - Matthew 5:9

As Remembrance Day approaches, I encourage you to pray this prayer from the Presbyterian Church in Canada:

Loving God, in and out of season, in times of poverty and prosperity, in times of sorrow and joy, in times of war and in times of peace, you have been present with your people.

During this time of remembrance, we recall those who gave their lives in war so that others might live in freedom and peace. May they dwell in peace in your eternal presence.

We remember those whose bodies, minds, and souls are scarred by war and whose lives will forever bear the wounds of trauma, violence and loss.

We remember the continuing courage and sacrifice of the people who serve in the Canadian Armed Forces and their families.

We remember all those innocents who have been caught up in the world’s power struggles, those who have lost their homes and livelihoods, those who now seek safe refuge in other countries, and children who have no sense of security or hope for the future.

We remember those who make and keep peace here and around the world, and offer you thanks for those who work to shape just laws and tend the common good.

We remember your grace and care, O God, in times of need, conflict or crisis, whether between nations, within families, at the workplace or among friends.

Let there be peace, Lord, and let it begin with us, with each of us. We pray in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, Amen

Grace and peace, Rev. Sarina


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