This Week @Briarwood
Friday, Feb. 16th – Valentine’s Date Night: Send your kids (ages 5-12) to the church from 4 – 9 pm, and enjoy a quiet Valentine’s evening with your sweetheart. A pizza dinner will be served to the children.
Sunday, Feb. 18th – First Sunday in Lent
Two worship services at Briarwood – our traditional service at 10:00 am and contemporary service at 11:30 am, with kids’ faith program and nursery space at both. The scriptures are Isaiah 51:1-3, Psalm 32 and Mark 4:1-20. Marina Boulos-Winton will give a presentation about Chez Doris at both services. The Kids’ Worship Club will meet with Stevie after the 11:30 service – bring a lunch!
Lenten Lunches - Help needed! The Briarwood Lenten lunch crew is still short-staffed in the following areas: baking, soup-making, and actual assistance on Wednesday, March 7th from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. If you can help in any way, please contact the church office at 514-695-1879 or
Lenten Devotionals:
An Illustrated Lent for Families: Spend some quality time together coloring, creating art, listening to the story of Jesus, and participating in spiritual practices as you journey through Lent together. Download here
Here is a link to a daily devotional prepared by the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Rev. Sarina’s alma mater).
Here is Stevie’s weekly Children & Youth Update is attached.