Session and Board Highlights
The Session had its shortest meeting, at least in my history, as we CANCELLED our meeting on Tuesday evening, Mar. 14th, because of the storm.
We have had a few email exchanges, and are looking forward to our next meeting on April 4th. I hope the suspense until then won’t be too much for you!
I did want to remind you all that the deadline for nominations for elders is April 2nd … only 2 more weeks.
Also, hence forth, I will include updates from the Board. The Board DID meet two weeks ago
We are having professionals look at our flat roof (shingle roof done last year) to see its condition and when it might need replacing.
We will have the tiles in the west rooms of the church stripped and waxed on May 20th.
The wobbly front pew on the east side of the sanctuary has been made solid.
The lifting floor tiles in the sanctuary are being seen to.
I trust that those who have been using our Suggestion Box will take note that your comments continue to be considered!!
Marilyn E. Scott
Clerk of Session