Précis of May Session Meeting
Before giving you an overview of our last Session meeting, I want to thank all of you who have expressed appreciation for this line of communication between the Session and the Briarwood congregation!
Now, on to the two big highlights of our May meeting, and the other bits and pieces …
First, we were delighted that Francois du Preez has agreed to let his name stand for election as an Elder of Briarwood. Francois and family (Lauren and sons Joah and Levi) attend the 11:30 service, and Francois is one of the Worship Band leaders. His choice of songs and the impromptu prayers that he offers reflect the depth of his Christian faith. The election will be held at 11:15 on Sunday, May 15th.
Second, we reviewed our communion procedures and have made three changes.
Rather than including a few gluten-free crackers on each bread tray, we will serve only gluten-free bread. This removes any risk of cross-contamination, and will simplify the preparation.
We will serve white grape juice instead of red grape juice. In this way, there will be no confusion as to which communion cups have wine and which cups have juice. At both services, you will have a choice of red wine or white grape juice.
We will serve Communion during the 11:30 am service on the second Sunday (not the first Sunday) of the month beginning in June 2016. Communion will not be served at the 11:30 service in July or August.
Other important bits and pieces …
We noted that offerings in April were well below budget, and considered approaches to encourage stewardship that reflects how effectively we believe that Briarwood is a place where God is at work.
We reviewed our procedures regarding funerals, and a standard information sheet will be provided to the family to clarify procedures and costs.
We are reviewing our procedures regarding the Leading with Care Policy of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, a policy that ensures that all persons, and in particular all children, youth and vulnerable adults, who participate in our programs/ministries and/or use our facilities will be cared for with Christian compassion and will be safe.
We were delighted that Olivier Lavoie-Gagné will offer an organ recital on June 12th from 3-4 pm, with a special surprise for children (and others) for whom the organ may be a bit of a mystery. The free-will offering will support Briarwood’s General Fund.
On Sunday, June 26th the 10 am service at Briarwood will be replaced by our participation in the outdoor ecumenical service at 10 am at the Baie d’Urfé town hall. Our 11:30 am service will continue as usual.
Choir practices will return to Thursday evenings, starting in September.
The Search Committee has begun to interview candidates!
Marilyn E. Scott
Clerk of Session
Briarwood Presbyterian Church
70 Beaconsfield Blvd
Beaconsfield, QC H9W 3Z3
Office: 514-695-1879