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Précis of Session Meeting - April 2016

The April Session meeting was held on Tuesday, April 12th.

Judy P. is stepping down as Chair of our Human Resources Committee. Please say thanks to Judy when you see her. Her committee has had a lot of work over the last few years, and we are extremely grateful for her leadership!

The Search Committee has been receiving many applications and is in the process of deciding who they will interview. They are very excited, but ask for our patience.

The election for new elders will be held at a Special Congregational Meeting held between the two services on May 15th. Thanks to everyone for submitting your nominations!

The Briarwood Youth Group Attendance at the Briarwood Youth Group varies from 9 to 14. They meet every Friday evening and combine activities with devotional discussions based on topics taken from their suggestion jar. Their Maundy Thursday Vigil started with an Amazing Race around the neighbourhood, then board games and pizza. At midnight, they discussed serving others as Jesus served his disciples on his last night. Then they washed each other’s hands to demonstrate service. At every hour through the night they held a prayer in the Sanctuary. Several offered their personal prayers. At the end of the night, they walked to see sunrise over the water (but couldn’t see much due to the weather!).

The Junior Youth Group is also active, though with only a few in attendance. As hockey season ends, attendance should be increasing!

The Spaghetti Dinner fund-raiser for Actions Réfugiés Montréal’s refugee claimant program was an enormous success!

Don’t forget the concerts by Spectrum Voices on April 29th and April 30th (8 pm at Briarwood) in support of our General Fund. The program for this concert “A Musical Tapestry” highlights songs from the Big Band Era through to Henry Mancini and Harold Arlen, to Lionel Richie, to Bruno Mars and Christina Aguilera, plus a familiar hymn with a twist, and even a piece by Rossini. Tickets are $20. If you would like to bring some cookies or squares for the receptions, please contact the church office.

The next National Presbyterian Women’s Gathering will be held in Richmond Hill, Ontario from May 19-22, 2017. Early registration deadline is November 30, 2016 ($375). Information will be available in the Narthex, posted on the bulletin board, and included in the next Newsletter. It would be great if a group of women were interested in going to this. Everyone who has ever attended has been extremely energized! If you might be interested, please contact the church office.

There have been a few recent thefts at Briarwood. Together with the Board, we have put in place a few steps to ensure heightened security. We urge everyone to be attentive to their valuables, and not to leave car keys in their coat pockets.

We concluded the meeting with an update of pastoral celebrations and concerns.

Marilyn E. Scott

Clerk of Session

Briarwood Presbyterian Church

70 Beaconsfield Blvd

Beaconsfield, QC H9W 3Z3

Office: 514-695-1879


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