Précis of Session meeting - Feb. 9, 2016
Much of the Session meeting on Tuesday, Feb 9th was focussed on procedures related to our upcoming Election for at least 4 elders to join the Session. Members of Briarwood will have the opportunity to nominate individuals between Sunday March 20th and Sunday April 4th, so be on the look-out for the letter containing all the information that you will need.
Our Outreach Committee is asking for volunteers to bake a tray of muffins once a month for vulnerable women that are served breakfast at Chez Doris. If you would like to help, contact Jim Murray or Marilyn Scott.
Session supported the request from the Outreach Committee for a spaghetti dinner fund-raiser in early April to support Actions Refugiés’ work with vulnerable refugee claimants. More info to follow!
The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to reviewing committee reports and preparing for the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars with the following important dates: - March 13: Blended service at 10:30 am, followed by Annual General Meeting and lunch - March 25: (Good Friday) - Family Service at 4:30 pm and Evening Service at 7:00 pm
Marilyn E. Scott, Clerk of Session
Briarwood Presbyterian Church